Tuesday, September 2, 2014

SNG: Why These Games Are Great For Building A Bankroll

Sit And Go Tournaments are usually defined as a poker tournament with no fixed starting time.
When enough players sit down, the game begins. These can range in size from 2 players to more
than 300. This course focuses on 1 table tournaments (sometimes referred to as STTs or ‘Single
Table Tournaments’ )featuring 9 or 10 players, you can think of this as the ‘standard’ SNG, with
the many size, structure and betting variations coming from this base.

Payouts for 1 table SNGs are usually for 3 places in a 50% / 30% / 20% of the prize pool format.
This has a huge effect on the ‘correct’ strategy (from a mathematical perspective), which many of
your opponents will not understand this is a key reason that SNG tournaments are so profitable.

There are actually several reasons why SNG tournaments are a great choice for players looking to
build their bankroll. Firstly, these games are attractive to inexperienced players. If you think about
when you first discovered online poker, the 1 table games looked like a great way to learn without
spending too much in one go.

A second reason these are good bankroll builders is the speed of the games make them ideal to
divide up into short and sharp sessions. Add to this the fact that (with the right strategy) they are
the easiest games of all to multitable and you have a situation where you can increase the volume of games to turn on hat ‘money tap’ any time you please.

My final reason is that your opponents simply have more opportunities to make mistakes in SNGs
than in cash games. The shift in strategy from one stage of the game to another is not obvious, and
errors can get expensive. Good players do not stay playing SNGs for long the lure of cash game profits or the big prize multitable tournaments soon sees them leave, making these games a consistent profit source.

It's been a great pleasure to wrihte for you,see you soon and GL on the tables.

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